Family Mart is a convenient store chain that opened in Japan in 1981, and is own by the FamilyMart co ltd. As its competitors Family mart sell mangas, drinks, prepared food like onigiri, bento etc, but also fist need products like shampoo.
We all know that the group notion is one of the most important in Asia (they have franchises store in Thailand South Korea, Taiwan and China) and especially in Japan that’s why Family Mart play on this field to attract people by saying "FamilyMart, Where You Are One of the Family."
The company has more than thirteen thousand shops worldwide and six thousand only in Japan, and represents its biggest market. Since 2005, Family Mart want to enter the USA, they plan to open 250 in Los Angeles by 2009. They will adapt their stategy by calling their shops “Famima”
In France there are no convenient stores like Family Mart or any of their competitors that are open all night long every day. The equivalents are small independent shops were we can find only food and drinks at expensive price, those shop are not open all the night, they generally close between eleven pm and one am.